Eastern Bible College
Established in 1974. Government Recognised.
Committed to Wholistic Education & World Evangelisation
ISO 9001:2015 International Accreditation Forum (IAF)
Asia Theological Association (ATA)
Doctor of Ministry
Online Distance Learning Program
in collaboration with:
Millennium International University
Incorporated and Certified by Secretary of State, State of Delaware, USA
ISO 9001:2015, International Accreditation Forum (IAF)
Eligibility: Any Master Degree
Duration of Study : 3 to 5 Years
Submit admission form along with academic transcripts from Class 10 up, Water Baptism Certificate, Birth Certificate, latest digital colour passport size photo to whatsapp +91 7005119679 and copy to +91 7005702277 or Email to ebcdimapurad@gmail.com and copy to ebcdimapur@gmail.com
*Theological Modules:
- DMT501 Old Testament Survey
- DMT502 New Testament Survey
- DMT503 Acts of the Apostle
- DMT504 Pauline Epistles of Ephesians
- DMT505 Foundational Doctrine of Christian Faith
- DMT506 Homiletics ~ The Art of Preaching
- DMT507 Hermeneutics
*Practical Ministry Modules:
- DMP508 Ministry of Prayer and Intercession
- DMP509 Faith Dynamics
- DMP510 Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- DMP511 Biblical Principles of Giving
- DMP512 Anointing and Supernatural Experiences
- DMP513 Counseling
- DMP514 Angelology
- DMP515 Leadership Principles
- DMP516 Biblical Principles of Success and Prosperity
- DMP517 Ministry Ethics
- DMP518 Demonology
- DMP519 Ministry of Deliverance
- DMP520 Power Evangelism
- DMP521 Ministry of Healing
- DMP522 Ministry of Gifts of Jesus
- DMP523 Spiritual Warfare and Domination
- DMP524 Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
*Book Reviews:
Information is available in the student program manual which will be issued to all registered students.
*Writing Articles:
Students are to submit titles of articles for the approval of course supervisor.
*Research Papers:
- DMR501 The Pentateuch
- DMR502 The Prophets and Prophecies
- DMR503 Pauline Epistles
- DMR504 The Book of Acts
- DMR505 The Word of God
- DMR506 Eschatology
- DMR507 The Church
- DMR508 Life of Jesus Christ
- DMR509 The Second Coming
- DMR510 The Kingdom of God
- DMR511 The Christian Family
- DMR512 The Great Men of God
- DMR513 The Women of the Bible
- DMR514 Bible Archaeology
Students are to submit titles of dissertation for the approval of course supervisor.